Hybrid, A Focus on Document Retention, Report Generation and Data Archival

Hybrid, A Combination of People and Experiences for Engineering, Construction Management and Inspection Services

Hybrid provides Inspection and Construction Management Services throughout the US.

The Hybrid Team members come from various backgrounds and experiences selectively picked to provide the specific energy industry client requirements for a given project.

Focus is given to the Project Engineer, Manager and Front Line Inspector and his/her relationship to the client. Hybrid recognizes that a strong, positive relationship between the client’s representative and the Project Engineering, Management and Inspection team is critical for a safely, timely, efficiently completed and properly documented project.

  • Our Mission

    To Ensure Project Engineering and Construction Completed Safely, Timely, According to Budget and with Full Documentation

  • Our Values

    To Provide Project Engineering, Management and Construction Supervision in a Professional and Ethical Manner

  • Our Strategy

    To Dedicate Professional Front Line Engineers, Managers and Inspectors to Specific Clients to Ensure Professionally Completed and Documented Projects

  • Our Strength

    Specifically Selected Dedicated and Experienced Engineers, Managers and Inspectors

Our Services

Hybrid is an engineering project management and inspection company focusing on oil and gas exploration and production, natural gas storage plus pipeline and facility construction projects.

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